Detection of Earthquakes through a STratospheric INfrasound studY


The Project

Using long-lasting rovers on Venus is impossible. We want to use balloons.

Because of extreme conditions on Venus surface, we will use atmospheric balloons instead of rovers. Specifically, the final objective is to use a constellation of long duration balloons in the tropopause, where the temperature is around 55oC and pressure drops down to 0.5 bar. Each of them would embed pressure and position sensors, allowing the triangulation of the sources of the infrasonic waves propagating through the atmosphere. Such waves are in particular generated by quakes, which allows us to study the internal structure of the planet.

The DESTINY experiment aims at testing this method on the Earth's stratosphere. Our goal is to characterize the infrasonic background of the atmosphere to be able to recognize specific signals and to locate their origins. We will use explosions on the ground as infrasound sources, but we will also look for other specific signals. To do so, we will measure the phase difference between the signals detected by distinct on-board barometers and process it to locate their origins.


This project is developped in the frame of the BEXUS project, which allows us to fly our experiment on a stratospheric balloon.

The BEXUS projects within the REXUS/BEXUS programme allow students from universities and higher education colleges across Europe to carry out scientific and technological experiments on stratospheric research balloons. Each year, two balloons are launched, carrying up to 12 experiments designed and built by student teams.

Here are some other projects:



ROACH-2 (REXUS project)


Our supports

Here are all the institutions supporting us.

The Team

Our team is composed of students from École Polytechnique.

Florian Abeillon

Thermal design, outreach

Olavi Aikas


Samuel Brasil

Data analysis

Tristan Bruel

Mechanical design, payload

Krishan Bumma

Thermal design, payload


Louis Dubois

Team leader, project management, Electronics

Matthieu Jeannin

Data analysis

Elias Khallouf

Mechanical design

William Koch


Ashish Nayak



Louis-Arnaud Pechenart

Electronics, Financing

Clara Piekarski

Data analysis, Project management

Mickael Rey

Software, Electonics